Friday, June 7, 2019

B/X Skill System

A variant skill system for B/X based on the skill system created by Simrion over on the Dragonsfoot forum.

Player assigns the following points (3, 2, 1) to three categories to fill out their background knowledge. The other two categories the character has almost no knowledge of.

After gaining a level a player may choose to raise a subcategory of any skill, even one that the character does not have any previous skill. This represent the characters learning, either through contact with, conversations with others, or through study of the subject. They may never gain more than two raises in any given sub skill (which is always added to the main skill when making a check).

Roll a d6 to make a skill check, the skill total or less is a success.


oo Heraldry, etiquette, law

oo Court, fashion, fine art, dancing and faux pas

oo Taxes, trade, bureaucracy

oo Diplomacy, debate, oratory, plotting and scheming

oo Warfare, strategy, engineering

oo Animal Husbandry, herding

oo Food processing, preservation, brewing

oo Farming, plants, seasons

oo Woodworking, crafting, repair, tanning

oo Construction of houses, barns, fences etc

oo Street smarts (spotting cons, traps, hucksters, thieves)

oo Contacts

oo Urban navigation, bureaucracy

oo Professional craft, guilds, commerce

oo Gambling, gaming, cheating

oo Religious Philosophy, doctrine, scripture

oo Arcane theory, philosophy

oo Magical creatures, realms, astronomy

oo Alchemy, magical items and substances

oo History, ancient societies, mathematics

oo Tracking, Hunting, stealth, skinning

oo Foraging, trapping, water witching

oo Shelters, fire starting

oo Bush craft, camouflage, hiding

oo Crafting

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