Wednesday, June 5, 2019

B/X House Rules: Pelts and Furs, Recovering Arrows, Jumping

Pelts and Furs
Pelts can be recovered from normal or exotic animals at the DM’s discretion. It takes 15 minutes (or more) of time per HD of the creature to skin it properly. Once recovered, it can be sold at market in this raw state and sells for a 1d6 sp for each HD of the creature (+/- 1 sp for each HD bonus). If the pelt is properly treated and tanned it can be turned into a luxury item. To determine a fair market value the DM first determines the furs value as a pelt. For each HD of the creature the pelt came from, roll a d6, the total of this roll is the value of the finished fur in gp. This total is also the number of days it took / will take to transform it into a finished project. 

Recovering Arrows
Roll a d6 for each arrow fired in the melee. Any result of a 1, means that the arrow was recovered and can be used again. Any other result means the arrow is broken beyond repair or lost (in the wilderness).

The distance a character can jump is based on their encumbrance and Strength score. The more heavily weighed down the character the shorter their jumping distance. The quickest way to determine the number of feet a character can jump is to remove the last number (on the right) from their Exploration Speed. Then add that to the characters Strength score to this. This is the number of feet they can jump in a running jump. A standing jump is equal to Encounter Speed plus Strength bonus in feet. Characters with 18 Strength scores are at the level of Olympic athletes

Encumbrance / Running Jump / Standing Jump
120’ per turn      12’              4’
90’               9’              3’
60’               6’              2’
30’               3’              1’

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