Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Fine Art of Haggling; Re-purposing the Moldvay Retainer Reaction Table

First, the use of the Haggling table requires that the DM inflate the prices of goods when the characters are shopping. In order to keep things easy, determine the rate at which a particular merchant overcharges his clients by simply rolling a d4 and multiply by 25%. As the DM you can adjust this number up or down at your discretion. Once the price is determined haggling can begin.

Once a character makes an offer on an item, the DM can determine the modifiers and the merchant’s reaction. To determine modifiers the DM determines the number % (in 25% increments) above or below the item’s market value (normal listed price) the character has offered. For each 25% in cost difference above market value add +1 to the merchant’s Reaction roll. Likewise for each 25% below the market value of an offer -1 from the merchant’s Reaction roll. If the player offers market value for the item, then there are no modifiers to the Reaction roll.

Haggling Reaction*
   2 - Offer refused, merchant is insulted and haggling is over**.
  3-5 - Price remains the same***.
  6-8 - Comes down 25% on overcharge price****.
 9-11 - Offer accepted.
12  - Offer accepted, and a small item thrown in for free.

* Add characters Charisma bonus to the Haggling Reaction roll.
** If character continues the merchant bans character from store and may call the guard.
*** If the character makes the same offer again, merchant refuses again, and adds -1 to all future reaction rolls.
**** If the price drop matches players offer, then it’s a deal.

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